Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Post Election Post

Let me see.....

After the first two years of the Clinton Administration both the house and the senate went republican. After the first two years of the Bush II administration both the house and the senate went democrat. After the first two years of the Obama administration only the house went republican, seems to me we didn't do too badly.

If I could predict what will happen, I would say not much will change. We will continue to experience this dramatic economic downturn and our disenfranchised citizens will continue to suffer from the same ills as in the past. I have said this before and I will say it again, unless we the people of this awesome country where indeed power can shift from one party to another with no violence, become aware of economic balance we will continue to lose jobs and influence on a global level.

There is only so much wealth to be had. As long as the upper 5% require more wealth to maintain their lifestyle it will have to come from somewhere. In the end those fluid resources come from the middle class one way or another. We either ask less people to do more work, we replace individuals with technology, or we ship our jobs to countries where labor is substantially less expensive. There are so few jobs for uneducated individuals, that's why education is under such a microscope. If we do not produce a middle class society to produce and invigorate the global market the wealthy of this nation cannot succeed.

It will be interesting to see just how the republicans manage this scenario. I'll be waiting, and so will my peeps here in Roodhouse. They can't wait to go back to work!

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